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The end of my cycling journey! 300km!

Eventually, after a whole month of cycling and being vegetarian, it's over. In a way, I do want to keep up the 10km a day because it made...

250km done! Gorillas!

I'm really pleased that I have done 250km of my cycling challenge so far and that I only have 50km more to go! I have decided that my...

Why do we love penguins?

Is it because they look adorable and being flightless they waddle when they walk? Is it because we love the penguins in the Madagascar...

200km of my 300km done!!

I'm 2/3 of the way and I have enjoyed every bit of the journey so far! I have raised my donation goal to £400 so hopefully by the end of...

Being a vegetarian

As well as fundraising for my 30 day challenge, I have also gone vegetarian for the month because I always wanted to try it and this...

Day 9 and 10 of my fundraiser

So today I completed 100km of my 300km cycling target which is why I have saved writing about this animal until today - the beautiful...

Day 7 and 8 of my fundraiser

Despite how hot its been over the weekend, I have kept up my cycling and I have rode 80km so far. Only 220 more to go :D I've have been...

Day 6 of my fundraiser

Here are three really important facts about orangutans that I would like to tell you about in my blog today: 1) About 3000 orangutans...

Day 5 of my fundraiser

I have reached my fundraising goal of £200! But I'm not going to stop there, because I have set myself a 30 day challenge to raise as...

Day 4 of my fundraiser

Due to deforestation, gibbons are the most endangered of the ape species. There are only between 1300-2000 left in the wild and four...

Day 3 of my fundraising

We are at day 3 and my legs hurt! Today I wanted to raise awareness about sea turtles. Although there are about 6.5 million sea turtles...

Day 2 of my fundraising

Today I have been cycling for the rhinos. Rhinos are one of the most endangered species on earth and it's mainly because of poaching....

How many animals are we losing due to animal testing?

Makeup, drugs, food and much more are all tested on animals, animals are also used for medical training or biology lessons. Research has...

How many different species are we losing each year?

Data shows that between 0.01–0.1% of all species are lost every year! That doesn't seem like a lot but, there is roughly 2 million...

Day 1 of my fundraising #exhaustedalready

Today I've completed my first 10km for the WWF! The animal I was cycling for is the giraffe. Did you know that the giraffe population has...

Blog: Blog2
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